These days everyone wants to tell you how busy they are. And for good reason: Americans work on average 44 hours per week and, in some industries, it's more like 60 hours. Of course, it's only natural for folks to talk about their full schedules. But constantly harping about your busyness can actually have adverse consequences.
Here are a few reasons why you should stop telling folks that you're so busy.
First, you may be bragging
When you tell people about the millions of things going on, you might be sending the message "Look at all my obligations and responsibilities. I am productive, industrious, accomplished and successful." By sharing with others that you're so busy, you inevitably place the focus on yourself and invite the attention and recognition of others.
Moreover, when folks ask "How are you?" and you respond "I'm busy," you might be signaling that you don't want to talk to them. Instead of telling people how hectic and hardworking you are, take the time to ask them questions. You can always make time to get to know people, create friendships and deepen relationships.
The Original Article: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/05/why-you-should-stop-telling-people-youre-so-busy.html