1. Know more about the company than anyone else
Ensure that you have researched the company very thoroughly. Go into the interview understanding the company’s target market, knowing the mission statement, and the history of the business than anyone else.
2. Focus on personal branding
While your experience, skills and knowledge should be able to stand alone, branding yourselves with a Signature Trademark, being yourself honestly or sending hand-written thank you notes after every interview.
3. Turn the interview into a conversation
Stop thinking about your job interview as a series of questions you need to answer correctly to “pass”. It’s not a quiz. So the best tip is to go in armed with great questions to ask. And don’t wait until the end, mix them into the conversation. You can sometimes end one of your answers with a question.
4. Build a "Candidate fit summary"
There are many creative ways to leave a lasting first impression. This document, which can be left behind at an interview or sent via email during a phone interview, is a brief synopsis of your relevant background and core strengths.
The original article: https://lnkd.in/fg8hNzK